We ordered Sawyer's birth announcements from Shutterfly today. I think the design is so cute and I can't wait to get them and see them in person! We are only sending them to family since our families are spread out all over. So many of them haven't seen him (really only our parents and siblings - except Glenn's brother have met him) so we wanted to make sure that family were able to see his sweet face. We are very proud of him! So family - clear off your fridge, because you are going to want to keep this up forever. I mean, who wouldn't want to see that adorable little man everyday?! Enjoy!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
one month old

okay, this picture is actually from a couple of weeks ago, but it is too precious not to post!! It is one of our many fabulous pictures taken during his newborn shoot. I'll post more later or you can see them on facebook. They are adorable!!
One month stats -
Height - 21 inches (10th percentile)
weight - 7lbs, 15oz (5th percentile)
head - 14.5 inches (10th percentile)
So our little man is still a peanut, but he's growing and gaining weight, and that's what's important!
He is eating every 3 hours, except at night when he goes 5 hours between one feeding, giving us about 4 hours of solid sleep - yay! He is so alert and happy. He makes the best faces, and keeps us laughing all the time! I think this means he'll have a very fun personality as he grows up. He holds his head up very well, loves to be read to, and doesn't hate tummy time. He LOVES music!!! Not surprising since his daddy is a musician, but it instantly calms him down and puts him in a very happy mood.
We absolutely adore his little man, and can't imagine life without him now. He has definitely made our lives sweeter!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
weight saga
So our little man has been through it in the weight department. After he gained his 2 oz. we took him back a week later for his 2 week check up. He had not gained anything...not even a half an oz. He was weighing in at 6lbs. 5.5 oz - still 1lb 2.5oz smaller than he his birthweight. He had grown a half an inch and was 20.5 inches long, and his head was measuring at 13.75 inches. So, we decided to move his feedings to every 2-2.5 hours and come back in 2 days. Two days later he had only gained a 1/2 an oz. Enter the formula.
I have to be honest and say that I really struggled with the mommy guilt. I felt like a failure to be completely honest - because I was his only source of nourishment, and I couldn't provide what he needed to grow and thrive. After some tears and lots of prayers I feel much better about doing whatever needs to be done to help my boy grow.
So, we are supplementing with formula. We started out only giving him 2 oz. 2-3 feedings a day and he managed to gain 5 oz. in 3 days!!! yay!! Now, however he wants it after every feeding and will cry and cry if he doesn't have a bottle immediately following nursing. So - we are still trying to figure out this whole feeding thing, but the important thing is that our boy is gaining weight and is content and growing.
I love that little man!!
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