Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 18, 2012

2 months

So, this is a bit late since he's really 2.5 months - but oh well.  Our little man is growing like a weed! (finally)  He was 9lbs 15oz (14%tile), 23.75in (73%tile), 15.5in head (33%tile).  He gained exactly 2lbs and 2.75in in a month!  He had some catching up to do but is on track now.  He's holding his head up pretty well, it's still wobbly but he is able to keep it up for longer stretches.  He is smiling, huge, gummy smiles most of the time.  He has found his voice and has begun to coo, squeal, and giggle.  It is almost too cute to handle!  He also makes a growly sound when he sighs which is just really funny!  He sleeps pretty consistently from 11:30/12 - 5:30/6 each night.  He is hit or miss with naps during the day.  Some days he sleeps great, other days he cat naps.  He is still eating every 3 hours, except at night.  He nurses and takes 2oz of formula for 4 of his feedings, and the other 3 (when I"m at work) he gets 4 oz of formula.  He has done great at going between bottle and breast and so far my milk has stayed put even with our wonky schedule.  So it's working for us and I couldn't be happier about the arrangement!

I went back to work last week.  It was super hard!  But, surprisingly, not as hard as I thought it would be. The initial leaving him in the morning is definitely the hardest part - once I get to school I'm super busy from the time I walk in the door to the time I leave, so I don't have time to dwell on it all day long.  I know that next year will be hard all over again when I'm having to leave him at day care with strangers instead of at home with Glenn.  But I'm trusting that God will help me get through it just as He's helped me get through this first week back.  We are also praying for the perfect place to put him next far we have no real leads.  :/

I'll leave you with this picture of my precious little man.