Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009


I felt like I needed to tell Evan's whole story...I know there are so many people praying for him, and I have only been giving snippet updates on Facebook.  I know I like to be able to pray more specifically, so here are the specifics.  First of all, Evan is my cousin Jennifer's 10-month old son.  He is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen!  He laughs a lot, and has a very sunny personality.  On Wednesday, he was taken to the ER via ambulance because he was having a seizure.  The seizure lasted for 2 hours before they (doctors) were able to get it to stop.  THroughout the past days they have determined that Evan has a strain of bacterial meningitis (not the fatal strain) but  nonetheless critical.  When by Friday afternoon he was still having mini seizures, they decided to do an MRI to try to figure out what was going on.  At first glance the neurologist said he thought it looked like there were 2 small places of infection on his brain (the meningitis clearing up) and that was what was causing the mini seizures.  By Saturday morning he had finally woken up a bit, and was using his paci, and was able to be held by Jennifer, and her husband Chris a bunch.  But, Sunday afternoon he had a pretty violent seizure. They scheduled a CT scan and that, and the official MRI read determined that he had had a small stroke and now has 2 spots of dead tissue in his brain.  

The meningitis won't be totally out of his system for at least another week, and at that point they may begin to determine just how much brain damage he has suffered.  Please be in prayer for Evan, Jennifer, and Chris.  They are so worried about him, and the fact that a 10-month old baby has had a stroke is terrifying!  I will do my best to update everyone on Evan's progress, and we are all praying for divine healing, and complete recooperation for Evan!!  

I am attaching some pictures of Evan so you can put a face with a name.